Goodyear // aan- en afkondigingen
Commercial Goodyear
You know this project! At least, if you have ever watched RTL or SBS, there is a good chance that you have heard this so-called ‘bumper‘ pass by. It was an honor for us to introduce and close the news broadcasts and other programs on behalf of Goodyear, but especially ‘Piets weather forecast’. Voice Response Recordings – Telecommunication
Maar You know this project! At least, if you have ever watched RTL or SBS, there is a good chance that you have heard this so-called ‘bumper‘ pass by. Ten eerste It was an honor for us to introduce and close the news broadcasts and other programs on behalf of Goodyear, but especially ‘Piets weather forecast’. Ten tweede Voice Response Recordings – Telecommunication
Zoals You know this project! At least, if you have ever watched RTL or SBS, there is a good chance that you have heard this so-called ‘bumper‘ pass by. Echter It was an honor for us to introduce and close the news broadcasts and other programs on behalf of Goodyear, zo but especially ‘Piets weather forecast’.
Bijvoorbeeld You know this project! At least, if you have ever watched RTL or SBS, there is a good chance that you have heard this so-called ‘bumper‘ pass by. It was an honor for us to introduce and close the news broadcasts and other programs on behalf of Goodyear, but especially ‘Piets weather forecast’.
You know this project! At least, if you have ever watched RTL or SBS, there is a good chance that you have heard this so-called ‘bumper‘ pass by. It was an honor for us to introduce and close the news broadcasts and other programs on behalf of Goodyear, but especially ‘Piets weather forecast’.